What is the Development Dashboard?
The Development Dashboard is a way to track and share information on development projects in Albemarle County and includes the Development Pipeline map and data for each of the Development Areas. The Dashboard map is hosted using ArcPro.
What is the Development Pipeline?
The Development Pipeline is a term for a project’s progression through Albemarle County Community Development’s permitting process and build-out. The “How Does Development Happen?” graphic attempts to show this process in a simplified manner.
The Development Dashboard tracks both residential (‘dwelling units’) and non-residential (retail, office, industrial, hotel, mixed-use) developments as they move through the pipeline process. Projects may proceed directly to the site design planning part of the graphic if they are by-right. Otherwise, they will need to start at legislative review. By-right projects are those that can be built per a property’s current zoning district. Legislative review projects are for proposed developments that require either a different zoning district (rezoning) or are only allowed by special use (special use permit) in order to be permitted.
What data is available?
Under ‘Datasets’ on this page, there is an excel spreadsheet that lists projects in the Development Pipeline and matches those shown on the map. The Pipeline totals by area have been calculated and included in the excel spreadsheet and as a PDF. This data is intended to be updated quarterly. These estimates were calculated using data in Albemarle County's Development Tracking System, CountyView. This data is manually entered and is not guaranteed to be accurate.
What is a By-Right application?
By-right applications involve uses allowed in the current zoning district. They go through an administrative review process to ensure they comply with the County code.
What is a Zoning Map Amendment (ZMA)?
A Zoning Map Amendment (ZMA) application, otherwise known as a rezoning, is needed when an applicant seeks to change the zoning district that applies to one or more parcels of land.
What is a Special Use Permit (SP)?
A Special Use Permit (SP) application is required when the proposed use is defined as a special use in the Zoning Ordinance as opposed to a by-right use.