The County's Comprehensive Plan divides Albemarle County into five Development Areas (approximately 5% of the County, or 35 square miles) and Rural Areas (approximately 95% of the County, or 695 square miles). The intent is to focus development into the urban areas to create quality living areas, avoid sprawl, improve access to services, and protect the natural and agricultural resources and uses of the rural areas.

Each Development Area has its own Master Plan that outlines a 20-year vision for land use, transportation, recreation, environmental protection, and capital improvement projects. Since there is finite space designated for development in Albemarle, recommendations in each Master Plan are intended to encourage the best use of space to create attractive, livable urban communities. Master Plans also inform private sector developers, landowners, County staff, and appointed and elected officials while designing and evaluating development projects in the County.

All five Master Plans are part of the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan. This is the guiding document for land use and resource protection issues throughout Albemarle. 

Places29 Master Plan & Rio29 Small Area Plan