HUD-certified housing counseling agencies can you understand and address housing barriers and help you achieve your housing goals. The following organizations offer housing counseling and financial coaching services in our area.
Piedmont Housing Alliance:
Rental Counseling Program - Piedmont Housing Alliance will work with you to find solutions for your needs from helping your search for a new home, to working on improving your credit score, or helping you learn about your rights and responsibilities as a renter. To more about the more about the program or to schedule an appointment send an email to
Monthly Renter Education Webinar - On the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 4:30pm, we host a renter education webinar on Zoom. In these webinars, you can learn about your rights and responsibilities as a renter in Virginia.
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesville:
Pathways to Housing - Habitat for Humanity's Pathways to Housing program provides one-on-one financial coaching, homebuyer education classes, and a monthly group meeting with participants. The program also provides job training and placement supports through a partnership with the Charlottesville Works Initiative. Program participants are in the program for three years or until they meet their individual graduation goals.